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Smart Home Industry Park

冠達星智能家居產業園規劃占地136 畝,總建筑面積約29.55 萬平方米,建設有標準工業廠房、共享辦公樓、運營展示中心、高級公寓、員工宿舍樓、綠色環保能源、時尚商業街、黨群鄰里中心,智慧運營平臺、物業服務中心、企業服務中心等生活服務配套。The Guandaxing Smart Home Industry Park covers an area of 136 acres with a total construction area of approximately 295500 square meters. It will be equipped with standard industrial buildings, shared office buildings, operation and exhibition centers, high-end apartments, employee dormitories, green and environmentally friendly energy, fashionable commercial streets, party and community neighborhood centers, intelligent operation platforms, property service centers, enterprise service centers, and other living service facilities.


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Copyright ? 2022 Guandaxing Co., Ltd

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